Membership Directory - Individual

Rink Brian

Clinical Social Worker at The LGBT+ Counseling Collaborative


Pronouns: He/Him
Street Address: 1501 Crystal Drive, #429
City Name: Arlington
State or Province: Virginia
Zip Code: 22202
Phone: +1 7032142178
Degree(s): MSW
Licenses/Certifications: LCSW, LICSW
Specialty: Sexual Dysfunction (problems with arousal, desire and orgasm), Sexual Behavior Problems, Problematic Porn Viewing, Trauma, Couples and Relationship Therapy, Individual Therapy, Group Therapy, Sexual orientation (asexual, gay, bisexual, lesbian), Polyamory, Sexual Anxiety, Gender Identity (transgender / non-binary), Infidelity, Ethical NonMonogamy, Kinks / Unconventional sexual interests