
Masters & Johnson Award

The Masters and Johnson Award recognizes extraordinary contributions to clinical sexuality and/or sexual research over the course of a lifetime and achievement of excellence in clinical and/or research areas of sexual disorders. Nominations should be sent to the attention of the SSTAR president at by March 1 each year.

2023 Recipient: Cynthia Graham, PhD

Criteria | Past Winners

SSTAR Consumer Book Award

The goal of the award is to recognize the best recent book for consumers (intended for the lay public or general reader and NOT for therapists, mental health specialists or other health care providers) that contributes to the understanding of human sexuality and/or sexual problems. 

2025 Recipients: Andrew Goldstein, MD; Caroline Pukall, PhD; Irwin Goldstein, MD; and Jill Krapf, MD

When Sex Hurts: Understanding and Healing Pelvic Pain; Hachette Book Group

Criteria | Past Winners

SSTAR Health Professional Book Award

The goal of the award is to recognize the best recent book for health professionals that contributes to the understanding of human sexuality and/or sexual problems. Nominations should be emailed to the Committee Chairperson, Caroline Russell Smith, at and CC the SSTAR office at Books should be mailed to the members of the committee found in the criteria below.

Criteria Past Winners

Sandra R. Leiblum Student Research Award

The SSTAR Sandra R. Leiblum Student Research Award recognizes the scholarly work of students who are developing a career in the field of sexual disorders and sexual health and fosters the professional development of individuals beginning their careers in this area.

2025 Recipient: Katarina Kova, RP, MSc

Can shifting beliefs about planned sex lead to engaging in more frequent sex and higher desire and satisfaction? An experimental study- SUBMISSIONS ARE NO LONGER BEING ACCEPTED

Leiblum Student Fund | Criteria | Past Winners