Membership Directory - Individual

Farn Venessa

Owner at Resonating Change


Pronouns: She/Her
Street Address: 11842-86 St NW
City Name: Edmonton
State or Province: Alberta
Zip Code: T5B 3K1
Phone: +1 3062404570
Degree(s): MSc Counseling
Licenses/Certifications: LPC-SASD; CST; CCC
Specialty: Sexual Health, Sexual Dysfunction (problems with arousal, desire and orgasm), Sexual Behavior Problems, Problematic Porn Viewing, Trauma, Couples and Relationship Therapy, Individual Therapy, Sexual Pain, Sexual orientation (asexual, gay, bisexual, lesbian), Polyamory, Sexual Anxiety, Gender Identity (transgender / non-binary), Menopause, Geripause, Infidelity, Ethical NonMonogamy, Older Adults, Kinks / Unconventional sexual interests